lifestyle lacrosse

Chicago Belt Company — Man-Up Belt

By Lacrosse Playground | May 18, 2012 |
The Chicago Belt Co. is one of our new favorite companies in the apparel space. Although inspired by the Great Lakes lifestyle, Chicago Belt Co. is for all people who are on the go and in pursuit of the American dream. Their new belt, Man-Up, is influenced from lacrosse, North America's oldest game. Take the lacrosse essentials – mid calves, pennies, sticks, and your helmet everywhere you go.

Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity Shooters

By Lacrosse Playground | April 20, 2012 |
The Sigma Tau Gamma- Delta Pi Chapter from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown is strutting all over campus in new Fraternity Shooters. The shooting shirts were designed by ProAthletics. Since 7 Sig Tau brothers also play lacrosse, they figured it would be a good fit to order some ProAthletics shooters for the 47 of the active brothers. Read More...